
klicken Sie um das Bild zu vergrössern Forecast 2020

MMA's annual Forecasts Book, written by Raymond A. Merriman since 1976, is one of the most unique, affordable, and accurate glimpses into the coming year. Utilizing the study of cycles and geocosmic factors, this annual Forecasts book outlines forthcoming trends pertaining to political, economic, and financial markets throughout the world.

Although 2019 is not yet over, several forecasts made in the 2019 book may have been highly accurate. We will list a couple of them here for download.

Die Auslieferung des Buches erfolgt Ende Dezember (in der Reihenfolge des Bestelleingangs).

Wir versenden die Bücher nach Deutschland, Schweiz/FL und Österreich portofrei! Restliches Europa: € 6.-

Dieses Produkt ist momentan nicht verfügbar!

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Audio: Reset Astrology 2020
Audio: Pluto in Wassermann