
MMA Weekly Stock Indices Analysis

The weekly Stock Indices report includes comments, analysis, and forecasts for next week’s market activity in the U.S. stock market. Each issue gives an up-to-date analysis on the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA), as well as the S&P and NASDAQ e-mini futures. It reviews the status of the longer-term cycles in the DJIA, and the primary cycles and its phases in all three indices, Each report provides a list of support/resistance areas, trend indicator points, geocosmic and lunar reversal points for the week, cycles phasing, and recommendations for each market. Each report gives the solar-lunar weighted values for each day of the following two weeks for the DJIA, based on the studies from the “The Ultimate Book on Stock Market Timing: Volume 4: Solar/Lunar Correlations to Short-Term Trading Reversals.”

Each issue contains MMA’s proprietary CRDs (Critical Reversal Dates) that are in effect for the next month (usually 1-3 dates).

Authors: Raymond Merriman, Gianni Di Poce, Pouyan Zolfagharnia

Audience: Traders who focus on the DJIA, S&P, and NASDAQ

Length: 7-9 pages

Schedule: MMA Weekly Reports are released over the weekend

Markets Covered:

  • DJIA- Cash
  • S&P

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  Best-Nr. Beschreibung Preis
100-121-1 Weekly Stock Indices 1 Mt. 85.00 CHF 
100-121 Weekly Stock Indices 3 Monate 245.00 CHF 
100-120 Weekly Stock Indices 1 Jahr 740.00 CHF 

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